Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. ~ Rumi

It happened.

I crawled in bed, under all the blankets I love, cozied up to the salt lamp, and cracked open the latest Journal of Interpretation Research. I enthusiastically flipped pages… Elaboration Likelihood Model, exhibit redesign and visitor engagement results. I cruised all the authors, curious of their work place or previous research. I thought about my students: their exam tomorrow morning, how to best prepare them for their upcoming interpretive media assignments. Somewhere in the photos of hands-on rhino care displays and quantitative charts of how long visitors spent with old vs new signs, I realized, it happened.

I thought about all the instructors I admire and all the moments in graduate school I thought “You read this stuff for fun? How do you follow this field like the latest album release of your favorite musician?”.  And all of a sudden I understood… Passion. Curiosity. Talent. Commitment.

What a gift, to live from this place.
